The editorial team conducts an initial assessment of submitted manuscripts.
Each article is reviewed by two specialists in the relevant field. Their evaluations determine whether the material is accepted or rejected for publication.
The review process follows a double-blind review principle, meaning that neither the reviewers nor the authors know each other’s identities.
In cases where the editorial team receives two divergent reviews, a third reviewer is consulted to make the final decision on the article.
Reviewers prepare their reviews according to the review form (download).
There must be no conflict of interest between the reviewer and the author of the manuscript.
The reviewer must not use knowledge of the manuscript before its publication.
The author receives the review for feedback.
The list of reviewers is published on the journal’s website and in each issue of the journal.
The review procedure complies with the guidelines from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education outlined in the document: Good Practices in Research Review Procedures, Warsaw 2011 /Dobre praktyki w procedurach recenzyjnych w nauce, Warszawa 2011/ (download).
The expected review period is 3 months. After this period, the author is asked to contact the editorial office by phone or Email.