The editorial office accepts manuscripts submitted via email to: in Polish. Foreign texts are to be published exclusively in English. In exceptional situations, the editorial office may make exceptions to this rule.
The text should be submitted in doc (WORD) format and should not exceed 1 sheet (40,000 characters with spaces and footnotes, approximately 22 pages of standardized typescript).
Along with the text, the following information must be provided: author’s full name, academic degree or title, place of employment (department, institute, university), correspondence address, phone number, email, ORCID, and a completed and signed Author’s Declaration (download).
An abstract in Polish of approximately 1,000-2,000 characters should be attached to the article.
The article must meet the standards of scientific work and be equipped with scholarly apparatus (footnotes).
Due to technical reasons, color illustrations are not included, and black and white illustrations are only included in exceptional, substantively justified cases.
Formatting Text: Font – Times New Roman; Font size – 12; Spacing – 1.5; Margins – 2.5 cm; Alignment – justified. Footnotes: Font – Times New Roman; Font size – 10; Spacing – 1; Margins – 2.5 cm; Alignment – justified.
In the case of reviews, the header should include, in order: the author’s full name, the full title of the publication (for multi-volume works, also the number of volumes), the publisher’s name (for subsequent editions, the edition number), followed by the place and year of publication, the number of pages, and the ISBN number.
Titles of works published in the text and in the footnotes are written in italics.
Titles of journals and names of institutions in the text are marked with quotation marks.
Frequently cited names of institutions, journals, or source editions should be abbreviated after their first use.
All types of quotes, both in the text and in the footnotes, are marked with quotation marks.
Dates in the text and footnotes are written according to the rule: the day in digits, the month in words, and the year in digits (Arabic numerals). However, in footnotes, everything is written in digits (day and year in Arabic numerals, and month in Roman numerals).
When citing a monograph in a footnote, follow the rule: first initial followed by a period and the full surname, then the full title, and finally the place, year of publication, and pages. For example: A. Ajenkiel, Polska po przewrocie majowym. Zarys dziejów politycznych Polski 1926-1939, Warszawa 1980, s.460. When citing the same monograph again, use the abbreviation op. cit. Instead of the title. When citing a position from the previous footnote, use the abbreviation ibidem. If the next work by the same author follows this notation, write idem or eadem.
When citing collective works or source publications in a footnote, write the title of the article/chapter/source followed by a comma [w:]. The editor’s name is given with the abbreviation red. For example: B. Rok, Opis podróży Wacława Sierakowskiego (1641-1806) po Europie w latach 1763-1769, [w:] Z badań nad Rzeczpospolitą w czasach nowożytnych, red. K. Matwijowski, Wrocław 2001, s. 133-134; M. L. Klemenowski, Sejmiki chełmskie w diariuszu prywatnym Bazylego Rudomicza (1656-1672), [w.] Studia z historii państwa, prawa i idei. Prace dedykowane profesorowi Janowi Malarczykowi, red.A. Korobowicz, H. Olszewski, Lublin 1997, s.163.
When citing a journal article in a footnote, write the journal title in plain font, followed by a comma, the volume/yearbook, another comma, and the appropriate year (if there is a division into issues and numbers, give their number). For example: D. Tarasiuk, Z dziejów parafii unickiej w Wisznicach, „Rocznik Bialskopodlaski”, 4 (1996), s.66.
When citing a published source in a footnote, follow the above rules, adding the abbreviated first name and surname of the person who collected, translated, edited, wrote the introduction, and published or edited the execution of these activities. For example: O życiu i twórczości Hieronima Derdowskiego (1852-1902), zebr., oprac. i wstęp J. Borzyszkowski, Gdańsk 2004.
When citing an unpublished source in a footnote, first provide its location, the place where it is stored and available, followed by a comma, and the catalog number/signature. For example: Biblioteka Czartoryskich w Krakowie, rkps 968, J. M. Ossoliński do T. Czackiego 23 IV 1798 r. z Wiednia (dalej: BCz).
When citing a text from the internet in a footnote, follow the same rules as for traditional publications. For example: J. Turowska, Biblioteki wyższych szkół niepublicznych Trójmiasta, [dostęp 10 III 2008].
In both the text and footnotes, generally known and accepted abbreviations should be used: bearbeiten von – bearb. von, Bund – Bd., Heft – H., herausgegeben von – hrsg. von, Jahrgang – Jg., numer – nr, opracowanie – oprac., porównaj – por., redakcja – red., rękopis – rkps., Rocznik – R., rok, roku – r., tłumaczenie – tłum., tom – t., volumin – vol., wiek, wieku – w., wydanie – wyd., zebranie – zebr., zeszyt – z., zobacz – zob, etc.