
Stowarzyszenie Rocznik Chełmski


  • Publishing an article in the Chelm Yearbook involves adhering to high standards of academic honesty and integrity. Therefore, the editorial board accepts only original texts that have not been published in other outlets.
  • By submitting an article to the Chelm Yearbook the author declares that all individuals who contributed to its preparation have been named.
  • Practices of ghostwriting and guest authorship (honorary authorship) are unacceptable. The editorial board of the Chelm Yearbook considers these practices as examples of scientific dishonesty and serious breaches of research ethics. Furthermore, it informs that all detected cases of such practices will be exposed, including notifying relevant entities (employing institutions, scientific societies, associations).
  • Presenting third-party research results as one’s own, copying fragments of other works (including non-scientific ones) without indicating the beginning and end of the quote and providing the source, as well as presenting paraphrased fragments of these works without citing the source, are all unacceptable. All such practices, generally referred to as plagiarism, will be promptly reported to the authorities of the academic institutions employing the authors. Additionally, the entities with which the author is affiliated/employed will be informed. According to Polish law, a plagiarist may face civil and criminal liability.
  • In the event of suspected dishonesty in a published or submitted article, the editorial board will take actions to determine whether the allegation is justified. The author of the article will be the first to be asked to address the allegation.

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